
The Dr. Sue Show
Show Schedule
*9PM Thursday
9:30PM Sunday
3AM Monday
3:30AM Monday (last week)
4AM Monday (2 weeks ago)
4:30AM Monday (3 weeks ago)
7AM Monday
7:30AM Monday (last week)
8AM Monday (2 weeks ago)
6PM Monday
6:30PM Monday (last week)
7PM Monday (2 Weeks ago)
7:30PM Monday (3 weeks ago)
9AM Thursday
*New Episode Premier*
Dr. Sue Cornbluth is a certified parenting expert and coach with international recognition, specializing in high conflict situations. She is a regular contributor as a mental health expert for network television stations including NBC, Fox and CBS. She has contributed to several national publications and has written a best-selling book, "Building Self Esteem in Children and Teens Who Are Adopted or Fostered".
Dr. Sue currently hosts a weekly radio broadcast, The Dr. Sue Show. The Dr. Sue Show focuses on parenting topics. It was recently honored as one of the Top 100 podcasts in the world by the Huffington Post. Tune in to Stream City Radio on http://www.streamcity.org/dr-sue-show to listen.
In 2013 Dr. Sue established Parenting Beyond Trauma, LLC, a consulting firm working with parents to help them successfully move through their high conflict divorce situation. Her passion and goal is to help children succeed in life. She accomplishes this through her work educating and guiding parents and professionals.
Dr. Sue has served as a child abuse and victims' rights expert. The exposure she gained as a lead expert during the Jerry Sandusky trial directly contributed to the growing demand for her expert opinion. She has gained global recognition and is contracted for speaking engagements around the world. The Women's Distinctive Business Magazine recognized Dr. Sue as One of the Country's Most Distinctive Women.
Dr. Sue resides in the suburbs outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with her husband and two children. She holds a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology and has worked as a Psychology Professor at Temple University.
For more information, or to contact Dr. Sue directly, visit her website www.drsueandyou.com or contact her agent, David Brunner at (484) 695-5187.
Dr. Sue Cornbluth
Nationally Recognized Expert in High Conflict Divorce & Parent Alienation